Our Focus

In Our First Term, We hit The Ground Running.
When I ran for Supervisor in 2020, I knew we needed to focus on deliberate, holistic solutions to the complex issues we face, and that as County leaders we need to listen and respond in meaningful ways to the concerns and ideas of our communities. And then of course the pandemic happened, exacerbating our challenges, and leaving us forever transformed in ways that we are still discovering.
As we dug in, we found fundamental systems and infrastructure in need of updating and refreshing. We recognized that flood, fire, and sea-level rise vulnerabilities need to be integral parts of housing and transportation conversations. And we now know that our county services can be more effectively structured to serve our communities in new ways.
Working with state and county leaders, staff, and many community advocates, there’s been notable progress—With more on the way! And there is more to do. We are committed to continuing the robust community dialogues we’ve begun, and to doing the fundamental work to foster a stable, functional, and strong foundation for our future
We are not done & there is much to do
Secured $10 million, working in partnership with Senator McGuire, CalTrans, and the Department of Public Works, for short-term and long-term emergency preparedness and flood control and habitat restoration projects in Marin City and Tam Valley
Working with the Richardson Bay Regional Agency (RBRA), the Bay Conservation, and the City of Sausalito Development Commission (BCDC), we have made significant progress in protecting and restoring the Eelgrass bed in Richardson Bay—San Francisco Bay’s second-largest estuary and home to Pacific herring and Dungeness crabs
Hosted a field visit at Bothin Marsh regarding planning for sea level rise with the Executive Directors of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the California Coastal Commission, the Coastal Conservancy, and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. These agencies are working at the regional, state, and federal level to support communities’ work on coastal resilience, environmental equity, and nature-based solutions to sea level rise that are being pilot tested in several locations in Marin County.
Bothin Marsh
Helped a dedicated group of community members get the long-awaited Martha Property project across the finish line—protecting community open space and the rare plant species that grow on the Tiburon Peninsula
Wildfire Prevention, Evacuation planning, expanding local services for seniors and youth.
We’ve facilitated a meeting with NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) regarding Tam Valley & Sea Level Rise
Work In Progress
Worked with Caltrans to complete drainage improvements on Horse Hill
Working with the Public Works Department on the Lomita Drive Storm Drain and Repaving Project
Supported the successful design and installation of safe bicycle lanes and sharrows to improve safety for cyclists and motorists on and East Blithedale and Ashford Ave
We are moving forward with the community to renovate Golden Gate Village. We have approved the Empowerment Fund for the Village residents. The community is partnering with the Marin Housing Authority to shape what the future looks like.
Initiated a newly opened Marin City Community Center at Golden Gate Villiage.
Bringing Health and Human Services to all Marin City residents by implementing an innovative van-based system.
Working in collaboration with Health and Human Services, to establish a Southern Marin Hub located at the Marin City Community Services District.
Supporting the Marin City Public Library renovation and creation of the Makers Space at St. Andrews Church.
We are in supporting the Marin City Community Services District in its plans to renovate the recreation center
We kicked off Marin City Stormwater and Drainage Master Plan and Task Force to identify additional projects further up the watershed to mitigate and slow down water and prevent flooding
We are coordinating with Marin County Fire and Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), and FEMA on vegetation management, wildfire prevention, and evacuation planning projects in Marin City.
Working with Congressman Huffman, obtained a $650,000 federal grant for energy efficient outdoor lighting for Golden Gate Village. The lighting will be installed this year.
Working in an innovative partnership with Audubon California and San Francisco State’s Estuary and Ocean Science Center in Tiburon, RBRA recently obtained a $2.8 million grant from EPA’s San Francisco Bay Water Quality Improvement Fund for the restoration of 15 acres of eelgrass habitat in Richardson Bay.
With state funding, Richardson Bay Regional Authority (RBRA) created a new state housing voucher program that will enable people to move into homes more quickly.
Restarting the Vessel buyback program.
In partnership with Assemblymember Damon Connolly's office, we are working to resolve the conflicts AB 252 (Bonta) unintentionally but unequivocally caused the Marin houseboat community.
Working with residents to address several recurring issues: address power outages in some areas; extended parking of vehicles beyond the allowed 72 hours; un-permitted building projects; speeding and safety on neighborhoods streets.
Working with the recently reinvigorated Flood Zone 4 Advisory Board and Flood District Staff to deliver improvements to East and West Creeks, and supporting a future drainage and master planning effort for this watershed.
Supporting the Strawberry Recreation District in providing activities and services for families.
Working with the Strawberry Design Review Board on local housing applications and preparing for the seminary project when the EIR is released to the public later this year.
Working with Tam Almonte on fire evacuation planning and limiting new developments in high wildfire severity zones.
Working with CalTrans on short-term improvements to reduce flooding at Manzanita, and long-term plans to prepare for sea level rise on Hwy 101 and Shoreline Hwy.
Working with Flood Zone 3 Advisory Board and staff to advance projects for Coyote Creek and Bothin Marsh to reduce flooding.
We have begun a new Tam Junction Working Group to explore the overlapping impacts of parking, pedestrian safety, and sea level rise in the local business district
Supporting the Tam Valley Utility Services District and the Tam Valley Improvement Club with their programs and activities for the community
Working with CalTrans on the Tiburon Blvd. resurfacing project and subsequent improvements to the multi-modal transportation along the Tiburon Blvd. corridor
Supported the creation of the Tiburon Portuguese Dairy mural near Blackie’s Pasture, to honor the heritage of the Portuguese dairy farmers in Tiburon and Marin County.
Working in partnership with the City of Sausalito and the County, we are pursuing initiatives and grants for: broadband service; arts and culture; affordable housing, and social services for those in need.
Working with Sausalito Beautiful, CalTrans and the County, we assisted with the installation of the beautiful and colorful “All Our Children United” mural that celebrates the children and the community connections of Marin City and Sausalito.
Supporting the City’s affordable housing projects as well as local projects to enhance local businesses and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists in the downtown and East Blithedale.
Sausalito Center for the Arts opening
Working with CalTrans on the Tiburon Blvd. resurfacing project and subsequent improvements to the multi-modal transportation along the Tiburon Blvd. corridor.